
Investing In A Better Home

Thinking About Buying A Townhome? 3 Things To Know

If buying a home is something you are considering, there are a variety of options to keep in mind. Townhomes are an excellent option for those who are not interested in the upkeep of a single-family home but want more privacy than what they may find with a condo where others surround them on all sides. With a townhome, you'll likely have a neighbor on at least one side if not both sides. Read More 

Want To Buy A Luxury Townhome: What To Ask Before You Buy

A listing that is advertised as a luxury townhome can be an ideal property for someone that isn't looking for a house with a lot of maintenance, but you must be sure that you know what you are getting. You will want to talk with a real estate agent and go through the listing to be sure that you aren't deceived. You want to look at the value of the property and compare it to other new construction sales by square foot, and the amenities that come with the townhome. Read More 

Single Family Homes: A Comparison Of Multistory And Single-Story Properties

If you are in the market for a single-family home, then you may have to choose between a single-story house and a multistory house. Below are some of the factors you can use for the comparison.   Cost Multistory properties tend to cost more than their single-story counterparts. This is because multistory properties involve more expertise and material during construction, such as the slab separating the lower and upper floors. Multistory properties also require deeper and stronger foundations than single-story properties. Read More 

Are Millennials Not Buying Luxury Homes? What Does That Mean for Buyers?

Luxury homes have seen a slight downturn in the market because the Millennial generation (now between 25 and 40) is hesitating to purchase them. But that's actually not a bad thing for those who are interested in the luxury home market. Read on to learn more about buying a luxury home.  Luxury Homes for Sale in a Buyer's Market Since luxury homes are being purchased less frequently, they're also being sold at a fraction of the price. Read More 

Tips for Buying Commercial Real Estate Out of State

A wonderful thing about buying a commercial property is that you don't have to be bound by where you live. You can buy property in another state. However, just how smooth the process goes has a lot to do with how prepared you are. Here are a handful of tips to get you started. Understand Affordability It's important to understand affordability when it comes to buying real estate property in another state. Read More 

About Me

Investing In A Better Home

Few things are more overwhelming than choosing your first home. I would know, because I purchased my first place about a year ago. When we first moved in, we realized that there were a few things that we were going to need to change. Even though we had carefully looked over the listing and walked through the property, the house was riddled with problems like broken outlets, bad paint jobs, and even broken plumbing fixtures. Fortunately, we learned how to fix things on our own, which has saved us a lot of money. This blog is all about real estate, DIY projects, and the joy of home ownership.