
Investing In A Better Home

Newer Options To Discuss With Your Locksmith When You Need To Choose The Right Lock For A Visually Impaired Person

When someone suffers from a significant or complete vision loss, choosing the safest lock for a new home is not always easy. Given that recent information suggests that disabled people are 50 percent more likely than other people to be the victims of violent crime, home security is even more important than it would normally be. If you would like to assist with that important task, it is a good idea to discuss the following options with a trusted locksmith.

Using Biometric Fingerprint Door Locks

Although biometric door locks may sound like something out a high-tech spy movie, they have been available to the general public in recent years. They work by first matching previously submitted images of a person's fingerprints to the currently offered fingerprints. When they match, the door can go to the next step in being unlocked. It is also possible to add the fingerprints of other approved persons, such as a landlord and roommates.

Since this type of lock does not solely use the fingerprints to determine whether or not the door remains locked, the next step is very important. It involves entering a security code, much like some the alarms seen in home security systems, into the adjacent keypad. For extra safety, it is also possible to find models that set off an alarm if someone attempts to break-in or otherwise intentionally damage the locked door.

Using Keyless Remote Door Locks With Key Fobs Or Smart Phones

Another new option that is worth discussing can be favorably compared to the keyless remote controls available on many vehicles. It replaces the standard locks by simply being dropped in their place. While some units come with a keypad to input the pre-selected numbers to unlock the door, visually impaired persons will often benefit from the use of a wireless fob.

It can lock and unlock the door in question and it is usually not difficult for someone with limited vision to quickly get used to the wireless fob. In addition, you will find that keyless remote door locks are often referred to as a smart lock. Smart locks are known to work with both fobs and apps on smartphones. That means that if your friend or loved one has enough vision to use a smartphone, it could provide a similar service if the key fob is not an appropriate or preferred choice.

In conclusion, choosing an appropriate and safe residential door lock for a person with a vision loss can be challenging. When you want to make sure that someone you care for who has a significant vision loss is as safe as possible in their home, speaking with a local locksmith about the options provided above will be very helpful. You can also visit websites like

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Investing In A Better Home

Few things are more overwhelming than choosing your first home. I would know, because I purchased my first place about a year ago. When we first moved in, we realized that there were a few things that we were going to need to change. Even though we had carefully looked over the listing and walked through the property, the house was riddled with problems like broken outlets, bad paint jobs, and even broken plumbing fixtures. Fortunately, we learned how to fix things on our own, which has saved us a lot of money. This blog is all about real estate, DIY projects, and the joy of home ownership.